Paper submission(Consideration of Causes and Countermeasures for Difference in Acid Copper Plating Thickness Between Different Diameter Vias) 2024.11.01 R&D
Conference presentation(Investigation of the effects of various factors within steps of SAP process to nanovoids in the interface between electroless copper layer and inner layer copper by STEM analysis) 2024.10.04 R&D
Conference presentation(The intermediate diffusion barrier performance of electroless Co-W-B / Ni-P stacked deposits between Cu and solder joint) 2023.10.13 R&D
Conference presentation(Effect of Tafel Slope on the Difference Deposition Rate at 2CD(Circle Diameter) Wafer) 2023.04.24 R&D
Conference presentation(Solder/solder joint for low temperature reflow by multi plating method) 2023.02.17 R&D
Conference presentation(Investigation of acidic pretreatment process with superior adhesion between Al material and electroless deposit) 2023.02.17 R&D
Conference presentation(Evaluation of reliability using autocatalytic silver bath on ENEP layer) 2022.11.04 R&D
Conference presentation(Investigation of electroless copper plating with high plating coverage in small BVH for next generation fine pattern SAP) 2022.10.13 R&D
Conference presentation(Barrier Properties of Electroless CoWB Deposits under High Temperature) 2022.10.13 R&D
Paper submission(Factors Affecting Pillar Top Morphology and Height Uniformity on High Speed Copper Electroplating) 2022.08.18 R&D
Conference presentation(Solder/solder Joint for Low Temperature Reflow by Multi Plating Method) 2022.05.30 R&D
Paper submission(The solder Joint Reliability of Electroless Surface Finish for Diversified Electronic Components) 2022.05.30 R&D